Friday, March 18, 2016

Hillary Bites Back

This past week the Drumpf camapign released an attack ad which in itself is not surprising but the contents were perhaps made up by a middle schooler. It shows clips of Russia's Putin and ISIS video and then show's Hillary barking at the end (presumably at a campaign stop) with Vladmir Putin chuckling at the end. With dramatic drumbeat in the background the last line say's "We don't need to be a punchline". 

Hillary's SuperPAC didn't waste any time with an ad about a day later that uses the same beginning video but the last half has Drumpf claiming "I have a very good brain" and has Hillary laughing afterward. 

Not only that The Kremlin itself has taken offense to the ad as it it makes Putin and Russia look evil. Drumpf seems to forget that Russia is our ally now and placing them in an ad with ISIS does go over well. It seems the Donald has a thing or two to learn about offending foreign relations. Especially those that are your friends. 

I find it amazing in this day in age that campaign ads can be made this quick in response. Also I think Drumpf may under estimate Hillary in a general election. Despite having Bernie Sanders give her a run for her money it will be different in an open election rather than a primary fight. 

If this little tit for tat ad battle is a sign of things to come it should be an interesting election year.

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