Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Free Chris Christie and the Republican Party

It would seem that New Jersey Governor Christie is having second thoughts about endorsing Donald #Drumpf. It's seems like he's signalling for help in the background. Already The New Hampshire Union Leader, the Granite State's leading newspaper, has retracted it's earlier endorsement of the New Jersey Governor. On top that six New Jersey Newspapers are calling for Christie to resign in light of his recent endorsement of the #Drumpfinator. Which by the looks of it he's having some second thoughts. I don't think he's used to playing second fiddle to anyone.

It's funny that the Republican Party now doesn't know what to do with #Drumpf They only had since last June. I think part of the problem it was too large and wide open field of candidates. It was kind of sad that after this much time since George W was in office no one had really come across as an outspoken Conservative leader. So of course the one with the loudest mouth, guess who that was, got all the attention. Now the GOP establishment has this monster on their hands that they don't really want. Jeb Bush didn't really have the persona to take him on. Senator Rubio has put on a spirited battle, which I do admire, but it may be too little too late. The time to take the mouth on was months ago.

Unlike the Democratic establishment who made it clear that Hillary Clinton was their choice from the beginning. Although Bernie Sanders has put on a spirited battle was in an uphill battle against the party faithful which Bernie actually being an Independent, was never part of and so he had little backing or help.

It seems as Jeb Bush was sort of the establishments choice but they failed to back him aggressively hoping Trump's showboating would fizzle, obviously it has not. They turned to Rubio but he does seem to lack experience and seems like the new kid on the block. He has to come out of his comfort zone to be tough.

I have the feeling that many in the Republican Party feel the same as Christie standing behind the hairpiece mouthing off. As if saying "What the hell did we get ourselves into?"

I'm hoping the Democratic Party and Hillary are already setting their sites on #Drumpf so they don't  get blind sided like the Republican establishment has. I think part of his success has been that no one expected to go this far, probably not even #Drumpf. He had the element of surprise on his side. I doubt that beating Hillary is going to be as easy as the hapless Republicans have.

#FreeChrisChristie Is Trending
Clearly, endorsing Donald J. Trump is killing Chris Christie. #FreeChrisChristie
Posted by The Huffington Post on Tuesday, March 1, 2016

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