Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Late Night Politics

Late Night host Seth Meyer lambasted Trump after the circus of his admittance the President Obama was born in the United States after all. This after years of stoking the conspiracy flames of birther movement which sought to delegitimize Obama's Presidency. This is one of the key issues that propelled his popularity to run for President. The thirty second confession was squeezed into Trump Hotel infomercial which also offered no apology and even put forth a new lie that Hillary had started the conspiracy back in 2008 when she originally ran against Obama. 


Seth's commentary was a contrast to the Jimmy Fallon's Tonight Show interview with Trump which he was heavily criticized for seeming to pal around with Donald and even playing with his hair. I think some of the heat he took was a little over the top. Jimmy Fallon is not a hard core journalist or interviewer. He's a comedian/entertainer and doesn't delve into political commentary much if at all.  Although the hair rub did seem to go over the top a little.

Seth is more of a regular political commentator on his show. This clip had people comparing him to Jon Stewart in his prime which isn't a bad thing. He, and his writers, are good at it this commentary. 

What is interesting is that we seem to be relying heavily on comedians to do what journalist should do, and haven't done much of, which is to honestly call on bullshit from figures like Donald Trump who have lied so brazenly that it's mind boggling. Television media has just got into the habit of just throwing the camera on Donald and let him spew his latest con artist sales pitch. That's not journalism it's being a cameraman for a free Trump infomercial. 

The media got played big time during Trump's news conference to announce his statement about Obama. It turned out to be not only a free infomercial about his new Washington Hotel there instances of an TV feed of and empty podium waiting for Donald and then some run of the mill stump speech's by some veteran's(another pet peeve of mine). He made his 30 second announcement which then turned into a tour of the hotel. Seriously? This is news? Television news has hit a new low. The took Donald's bait and ate it all up. 

I do enjoy commentary by the likes of Seth Meyer, John Oliver, Bill Maher and so on. The only thing is that in in the end they are entertainers. They are merely filling the void the television news should be doing which is exposing hypocrisy and searching for the truth. Let's make a television news great again.

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